Fluor Driver has an experienced safety team, taking over 125 years of safe and successful Best Practices from Fluor and JV Driver, Fluor Driver has been able to post an elite level 0.23 TRIR since inception in 2007!
At Fluor Driver we focus on innovation and Best Practices with a focus on hazard prevention, not mitigation. In maintaining these results culture is key, and through our Core Values and “Think Different, Build Better” Core Purpose we continue to develop these winning beliefs in our people. This combined with a comprehensive and continuously improving safety program which includes:
A Senior Executive and project team fully dedicated to safety and Zero incidents
Management evaluation and compensation tightly tied to safety performance
Daily site safety meetings to review the day’s work and highlight safe work practices
Annual safety conference for all supervisory staff
Continuous improvement protocol including immediate review of all safety incidents with appropriate revision to work practices
These Innovations have had major impacts on safety. Through the use of TDBB program new techniques and technology including data analytics we are producing world class results that matter.
We all see the world differently, and we all accept various degrees of risk, but to protect the things we love most requires vigilance, “the act or state of being on constant watch for possible danger or difficulty”. This program strives to connect with the people who face the most risk every day.

By using technology for data capture and reports, we have the most updated program which identifies gaps, reduces costs and eliminates manual data entry into a spreadsheet. Utilizing this technology we can get real time reports or feedback from the crews in the field in regards to unsafe acts, conditions and behaviours. All this within 24 hours.